Friday, October 7, 2011

Paula Kluth Visits WLMS

On Thursday, Dr. Paula Kluth, a nationally known expert on inclusive education, came to WLMS and visited classes, observed inclusive practices here at our school and shared her expertise with our staff about the latest research on inclusion and differentiation.

During her time here at the Lake on Thursday, she met with several of our staff in small groups and then she conducted an inspiring presentation for our entire faculty at the end of the school day. During this presentation, we were joined by several members of the Harpers Choice Middle School special education team and Department of Special Education staffers.

During her hour-long presentation, she discussed her philosophy of presumed competency and the 7 Tenets of Successful Inclusive Schools. In addition, she shared the inspiring story of Kacie who is an example of what can be achieved when educators, parents and communities strive to make classrooms welcoming and empowering for all students. To learn more about Kacie, click here

Dr. Kluth's visit was made possible by the HCPSS's Office of Special Education. For the past several years, Dr. Kluth has been consulting with our district to help all of the HCPSS staff to look for ways to ensure all of our students have access to meaningful and rewarding educational experiences. I am proud that our school is doing a lot of great things with regards to inclusive practices and thanks to Paula's visit we have been inspired to do even more.  

Who is Dr. Kluth? She is a consultant, author, advocate, and independent scholar who works with teachers and families to provide inclusive opportunities for students with disabilities and to create more responsive and engaging schooling experiences for all learners. Paula is a former special educator who has served as a classroom teacher and inclusion facilitator. Her professional interests include differentiating instruction and inclusive schooling. (Source:

Thanks Dr. Kluth for coming to WLMS and sharing your vision of what could be...

To learn more about Dr. Kluth, click here

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