Saturday, October 16, 2010

WLMS Pilots New Advance Reader Options

This year, WLMS and Mount View Middle School are offering to our seventh and eighth grade above grade level readers the option of taking either the Advance Reader course (formally known as Challenge Reading) or the newly created Advanced Inquiry and Innovation (AII) course.

The course consists of four modules that our completed through out the school year. The course compacts the Maryland School Assessment reading objectives and focuses on providing opportunities for students to experience simulation-based learning, while applying reading skills for a variety of purposes. The four modules are designed to have students’ practice critical thinking, communication skills, problem-solving strategies and gain increased content knowledge in environmental science, media, civic literacy and engineering. I like to think of this pilot as the application of reading to perform a task with the opportunity to solve real-life problems in the world of science, engineering and technology.

The modules are:

a. Environmental Science: Students will develop a depth of knowledge on one or more local environmental issues and apply this knowledge to effect positive environmental change in their school or community.

b. Media and Communications: Students will develop their ability to analyze, evaluate, and communicate information in a variety of media; they will then apply these skills to address an authentic problem or need.

c. Civic Literacy: Students will explore the components of the American political system and apply the public policy process to a school or community relevant problem.

d. Engineering Design: Students will explore the nature, history and impact of technology through hands-on experiences with the principles of engineering design and development.

Interestingly enough, all of our above grade level readers in 8th grade chose to take the AII

course and all but 15 students in the seventh grade made the same selection.

To date the pilot is going very well. Students are reporting that they are enjoying the new approach and the rigor they are experiencing. I want to thank Ms. Warner, Ms. Gadziala and Mr. Spicher for agreeing to pilot this new course here at WLMS.

This past week, Howard County Council Member Sigaty came to WLMS and shared her expertise about the legislative process and her responsibilities as an elected council member with our AII students. Our students are currently trying to understand how decisions are made here in Howard County. Thanks Ms. Sigaty!!!

1 comment:

Spicher113 said...

A student told me yesterday that she has never worked so hard in her life as she did yesterday in AI class.