Friday, March 4, 2011

MSA Rap: World Premiere of the Book Lady and the WLMS Rapsters

We have been working hard this year...
I know our students are going to try their best!!!

Thanks to Vanilla Ice and the Boys Choir of Harlem for their inspiration.


Z. S. Morris said...

Oh, my! Oh-what we do and do well for our kids. MSA Rap is great. ZsM

Unknown said...

Go, Wilde Lake, Go! We heard your rap; we share your goal. Your students' scores should really roll ... Off the charts. Great job of motivation. C. Meitl

Unknown said...

Wishing you scores as great as your passion for our kids! Michelle Howard

Mr. Nunkester said...

Funny stuff, Mr. S!

Love it!

Good luck. I tell my staff every year, no matter how we score, our effort to improve each kid every day is advanced! Obviously, with these raps and videos, your staff cares enough to have fun with the kids too and is the same way! Way to go!

Mr. Nunk