On Monday, the HCPSS delegation to South Korea had the honor of meeting the National Assembly Member that represents the City of Iksan in the national parliament - Ms. Cho. She invited our entire delegation to the National Assembly building where we were given a special tour and then we were given the wonderful opportunity to eat lunch with Ms. Cho in the National Assembly building.
Ms. Cho is the person credited with having the vision to forge a partnership between the Howard County Public Schools and the Iksan City Public Schools. Five years ago, during one of Ms. Cho's visits to the U.S., she came to Howard County and began the process of developing a partnership between our two school systems. Her goals were to help rural Korean students and teachers have an opportunity to learn how American teachers teach English and provide opportunities for a cultural exchange between the two countries. Since her visit in 2005, Ms. Cho has helped to fund the cost of visits by both system's superintendents, central office staff and now for the past 2 years selected principal and teachers.
Ms. Cho was an absolute joy to meet. She was so kind to spend over 90 minutes talking to us about a wide-range of subjects including education, reunification of Korea, food and her vision of how the partnership can expand in the future. She is clearly passionate about her work and her commitment to the people of Iksan is admirable. We found out during our visit yesterday that she may soon become the leader of the South Korean Democratic Party. Good luck Ms. Cho!
In the picture above, I am giving Ms. Cho a collage that we created of pictures of each of the groups of teachers we worked with during this summer's professional development and cultural exchange program.
Here are some pics from the National Assembly visit:
Mr. Martin gives Ms. Cho a taste of Maryland - Old Bay seasoning!

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