Sunday, March 21, 2010

March is National Middle School Month


National Middle Level Education Month
March 2010

Shining the Spotlight on Middle Level Education

Whereas, middle level education has a special and unique function in the nation’s educational system, and

Whereas, young adolescents are undergoing dramatic physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth, and are especially vulnerable, and

Whereas, the habits and values established during early adolescence have critical, life-long influence, and

Whereas, this influence impacts directly on the future health and welfare of our nation, and

Whereas, an adequate public understanding of the distinctive mission of the middle level school is necessary for that mission to succeed;

Therefore be it

Resolved, that the month of March 2010 be declared National Middle Level Education Month, and that the public be afforded special opportunities to visit middle level schools and participate in programs that focus on the nature of young adolescents and celebrate the ways in which our nation’s schools respond to their needs and to the needs of the nation.

Some Issues that Middle Schoolers and Those Who Love Them Face

  • Making parents understand that their children really do want them to be involved in their lives - even though it isn't always obvious
  • Students face tremendous challenges and they will make major life affecting choices - including such things as friends, leisure activities, study habits, serious moral dilemmas that need to be addressed, etc…
  • The physical challenges of puberty - the tall girl and the short boy
  • The importance of friends and the influence they have on many decisions that are made.
  • The need not to be embarrassed in public places - parents who talk too loud in restaurants
  • Middle school is the last, best chance to avoid a diminished future
  • The call of the opposite sex will beckon to many during the ages of 11 through 14
  • It is important that parents are patient, understanding, caring and loving with their young adolescent - even when they cannot understand where this new child came from!
Loving them most when they are most unlovable!


1 comment:

Tom Saunders said...

Is this correct translation?

Walking toward the established goals, it will not get lost?

If so, I love it.

Thanks for the comment