Monday, May 25, 2009

ELMS Wins Healthy School Recognition

Ms. Lee Ann Sanna, Ms. Carol Jones and me being awarded the 2009 Healthy School Innovation Award from
Dr. Beilenson, State Delegates Bates and Miller and Board of Education member Dr. Siddiqui

In April 2007, Howard County launched the Healthy Howard Initiative, a six-phase initiative that encourages institutions including restaurants, schools, workplaces, and recreation programs to incorporate healthy activities and healthy products into the lives of County residents. Healthy Howard is strengthened by participation and collaboration with the public and private sectors.

Recognizing that schools are an integral part of our children’s development as well as an invaluable asset to parents and the community, Healthy Schools was developed to recognize schools that have displayed extraordinary commitment in the areas of Nutrition, Physical Activity, Mental Health, Safety and Environmental Health. In May 2008, twelve elementary schools (11 public and 1 private) were recognized as Healthy Schools, this year ELMS was one of 10 middle schools highlighted for being a Healthy School and the winner of the nutrition category. (Source: Howard County Health Dept. Website)

I would like to congratulate Ms. Lee Ann Sanna, the ELMS Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher, for creating the lessons on nutrition that were the reason we won this award. I would also like to thank Ms. Carol Jones for helping to create the nomination packet for our school. Did I mention we were the first middle school in Howard County to win this award? ELMS Pride!

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